Now we are going to step back and talk about the history of the property. Because if you love old houses you probably want to know about the folks who hammered each nail into place, who chose why the door went here. Why at some point they covered over the arches and changed the porch into a room (three times).

I am still friends with some of the prior owners of this house. When we purchased this house, at the closing, I was given a bundle of past Mortgage Deeds for this property. They may or may not have included the house itself, but the land without any doubt.
Does anyone like to decipher old cursive? If so I have a job for you. LOL! The auditor says the house was built in 1912 but these go back into the 1880's! It seems to have traded hands back and forth within the same family quite a few times.

I know one family who lived here for twelve years, and in another family, it was in their family for generations. Her Grandparents lived here and raised seven children here. Her family proceeded to build a large greenhouse business next door and her parents built a house on the far side of the greenhouse. This property is just rich in history!

Here is an excerpt from a letter from the great granddaughter of the owners from the early 1900’s. I’ll include more of her story in later blogs.

Take note, this is before the front porch was enclosed. And the house was still white.